What will happen when we think about what is right with people instead of fixating on what is wrong with them?

Dr. Don Clifton 1924 – 2003

Who uses it?

Whether you are a seasoned professional looking for a change, a recent graduate just entering the job market, or a veteran returning to civilian life, knowing your innate talents gives you the knowledge to find the right direction for YOU.

The coaching strategy used by Gallup is founded on strengths-based learning. According to comprehensive studies by Gallup, the greatest way for people to learn and grow is to recognize the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that come most naturally to them.

Understanding what makes you unique and leveraging your talents consistently increases your engagement and elevates your performance. Learning your talent theme specifics gives you greater self-awareness of your actions and reactions to the world and people around you.

About the assessment:

Questions are timed! Make sure you have about 40 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the survey.

I completed the assessmentnow what?

Individual coaching sessions are an excellent way to delve into your strengths and learn the CliftonStrengths® language. Get an in-depth personal view of your talent themes and how they work together. Understand how to leverage your superpowers and avoid pitfalls.

A single session will bring to light your unique abilities and explain your assessment. Multiple sessions will help you assess the many potential careers available to you through the “Strengths” lens to find the best fit for you. Overhaul your digital presence to convey your strengths — avoid landing in a field that you may be capable in, but that does not let you shine and excel. Learn how to present your strengths and even your weaknesses in a positive light during interviews. Knowing your strengths lets you convey them with authenticity.

SOAR for Individuals

Sessions are available in-person locally (greater Fort Lauderdale area) or virtually across the globe.

Individual Icon

About the coaching session: All individual coaching sessions are completely confidential; your results will only be shared with your permission. Choose a customized package to meet your needs!

Teams audio recordings available upon request.


Just want to understand your profile? Schedule an hour with me to decode your report and understand your superpowers. Sessions cover in-depth review of your top 15 themes, explanations for your bottom 5, alignment to your past experience and recommendations on future growth.


On the hunt for a new role and not sure about your direction? Ready to graduate and enter the workforce? Use the Development package to understand your strengths and aim them towards your growth, whether you’re just starting in the workforce, separated from the military and re-entering civilian life or ready to move to a new role.  With this 3-hr package you’ll learn how to intentionally apply your strengths to a job search, interview prep or even to optimize your performance in your current role.


Use the Advancement package to prepare for your next step by applying your CliftonStrengths and incorporating strengths language in your resume, LinkedIn profile and preparing for interviews. Learn how to fluently and comfortably explain how you do what you do from the strengths perspective. Understand how to frame both your strengths and weaknesses in a positive light – show complete self-awareness by being your authentic self.

S.O.A.R. Strengths On All Roads

Feel like you’re not reaching your potential? In a new role and trying to get comfortable? Want to make a change and not sure where to start? Use 8 hours of sessions to not just understand your strengths, but actively apply them through exercises to reinforce and fully develop your superpowers. Learning CliftonStrengths thoroughly is much like learning another language – it takes practice and active use to understand the full scope of each talent theme. Go from “interesting” to intentionally applying your strengths in all aspects of your life with Strengths Insights and Action Items and SOAR to success.

Cost Overview

Introduction: $200 includes assessment + 1 hour of coaching

Development: $450 includes assessment + 3 hours of coaching sessions

Advancement: $650 includes assessment + 5 hours of coaching sessions

S.O.A.R.: $950 includes assessment + 8 hours of coaching sessions

Ask about Veteran, Non-Profit and Student Discounts!

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